Project Apollo Radio Communications
To listen to the webinar, you must be on our email distribution list. Email us at mail@ColdWarHistory.org to be included. Zoom link will only be shared on the date of the program. Zoom line opens at 7pm ET and program will promptly start at 7:30pm ET. Thank you.
Join us for a webinar with former RCA employee Steve DiMedio presenting a fascinating session on the radios that he had recreated from the Apollo era. Bonus! We will also be joined by Mike Dinn, former Director, Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Australia who will provide additional perspectives on Apollo communications.
The Apollo EVCS AM transmitter radios made by RCA in Camden, NJ helped to put astronauts on the moon!
While walking on the moon in their space suits, Apollo astronauts used radios that transferred both voice and telemetry data back to the lunar module (which brought them to the lunar surface) and also to the command module orbiting 60 miles above the lunar surface (their primary spacecraft for travel to and from earth to the moon.)
Steve will discuss the history of these radios and will demonstrate how he rebuilt one of these radios after first carefully inspecting an original copy and creating schematic diagrams.
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Zoom webinar